The Asturianer Magazine / Agosto, 12, 2024
My cover ‘ALBORADA’ for Issue 6 of The Asturianer, ‘a non-existent magazine project that pays homage to NEW YORKER and brings together illustrators related to Asturias’.
Each illustration in the magazine would represent a vision of Asturias, and I was absolutely sure which one was mine. I wished to draw the wild Asturias that surrounded me as a child, when we played in the river in my village or walked through the woods, and also the mythological Asturias that I dreamt about all the time in summer.
The Xanas and the Cuélebre are essential characters of our folklore, and I decided that they should be the subject to represent:
Además, desde The Asturianer organizaron una bonita colaboración con la escritora Leticia Sánchez Ruiz, que escribió estas palabras inspirándose en la escena. Puedes leerlas en su post de Instagram. ¡Gracias, Leticia!